
As the founder of the nations largest intervention company, I have worked with thousands of families and trained over 30 interventionists. Watch my presentation on “Why Families Wait…”

Recovery Consulting

What can I say to convince them to quit? This is the question I am asked most of by families in crisis. Click here to watch my presentation and learn my approach to family recovery consulting.

Treatment Approaches

What many struggle with is that there really is no “once size fits all” approach towards treatment and recovery. So how do you decide? Why do people struggle with traditional treatment approaches.

You and your loved one are unique. And so should your recovery.

As someone who struggled for many years in addiction and even in recovery, I have found that many families struggle with the uniqueness of their situation. It’s imperative that the intervention, coaching and treatment planning be the best for you and your loved one.

Next Steps…

Call now for a free consultation.